Performance scenarios

Investeringsforeningen Danske Invest Euro High Yield-Obligationer, klasse DKK d h


Recommended holding period: 3 years
Example Investment: DKK 75,000
If you exit after
1 year
If you exit after
2 years
If you exit after
3 years
Stress What you might get back after costs DKK 42,606 DKK 54,780 DKK 51,166
Average return each year -43.2 % -27 % -31.8 %
Unfavourable What you might get back after costs DKK 62,958 DKK 66,298 DKK 66,838
Average return each year -16.1 % -11.6 % -10.9 %
Moderate What you might get back after costs DKK 76,623 DKK 77,751 DKK 79,880
Average return each year 2.2 % 3.7 % 6.5 %
Favourable What you might get back after costs DKK 90,519 DKK 88,563 DKK 87,155
Average return each year 20.7 % 18.1 % 16.2 %
Unfavourable scenario: This type of scenario occurred for an investment between 30.09.2019 and 30.09.2022.
Moderate scenario: This type of scenario occurred for an investment between 30.11.2015 and 30.11.2018.
Favourable scenario: This type of scenario occurred for an investment between 31.10.2014 and 31.10.2017.

Historic values

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